Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm alive!
Under a mountain of endless work, but im here chuggin along..
baby steps at a time it seems...
My brain aches.. sleep I yearn ..slowly I stride into my tomorrows..

Monday, September 20, 2010

Though the past is hazy as hell sometimes, those memories are hard to forget. Bright as ever do they shine in that rear view mirror. Though sometimes I feel a void when they are no longer here, I struggle mightily to push forward. Stumbling blindly in life searching for that fix of another great memory.


Monday, June 28, 2010

I usually dont enjoy the sound of redneck music..
but today... I actually jammed.... mellowed the hell out to this...

Friday, March 05, 2010

Work is going well ..
school is.. school..

things gradually returning to a norm...

and I am currently taking applications for my very own muse..

feel free to send a lovely photo of yourself... and reasons to be privileged ...

boooo yeah!


Monday, October 05, 2009

The Days are long and beginning to take their toll. Another year, another semester,another day at the job. Another year. The daily grind is what it is. Time plays tricks on you: First you think its going by too slow, and when you know it, something you thought that was once far away is now at your door.

So much lost, yet much more gained.Its amazing to think sometimes that if I hadn't put effort into something at a point in time, then I wouldn't be where I am at. I sometimes like to sneak a peak at what I have accomplished. A self retrospect that tells me there's nothing but going forward now. Another check mark that crosses out another item on my list.

Next on the list:

Maybe some SLEEP!

Peace out.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When I got home, I received terrible news. My dog passed away today. I can't but help feel responsible. Just can't shake the feeling I could have done more for her. She was with us for quite some time.


She was the first to greet me at the door from a long day at work, school, or in general. Not necessarily barking at me. More of a gentle howl, asking me where I've been.

I just wish I could take a walk with you one last time. I love you Nube. May the pain have left you. As you will always be there in my heart of hearts, to welcome me and I you, when I come home.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Alone on an island..
The night is young,
the air seems somber,
-perhaps a sour moonlighting-
and the stars are twinkling profusely and untamed
...possibilities are plenty.
I can't help it when that smirk escapes me.
It couldn't be any other way.
Said my conscience passing me by.