Monday, May 26, 2003

yeah .. so i get out of work sunday night.. and i just called this cool neighbor chick
yeah so ..
she is supposedly all church going.. holy and shit..
and anyways.. i also dont know how she made it home cus she sounded pretty drunk over the phone..
and today i called her back making sure she was aight.. and told her about the crazy stuff she told me,..
i wonder if i start going to church .. if i will receive the holy spirit like she did..
cus it sure sounds fun...

nah .. im joking mari....take it easy kid on that stuff.. it isnt church wine and shit..

so yeah maybe i forgot to mention.. i came up with this new theme..
next to the innovative tit- flick, george lopez imitations...
I call it the "QUOTES OF THE DAY" --- a mini story or phrase of the day that just seemed pretty stupid but hellified funny
and here is today's
:::a black woman stepped in my store today and said something in spanish
:::and i turned to her and asked"did you say that cus im here??"
:::she said "No" she turned to my manager, a pretty fat girl i might add, "cus she could be hispanic"
:::i said"yeah .. and she could be a cow for all we know!!!!!!!"

kinda insensitive.. but really funny
whats up yall.. i got a lil lonely today .. but i was also angry..
that anger you get when everyone seems to be laughing at you .. i guess i found my motivation..
the only problem now .. is will i ever be the same again.. its been roughly a year now.
i still wonder about my love..
i still wonder about the future.
i still worry about life and how unfair alot of things are..
and not just to me .. but the whole world..
i would really love to die sometime soon but i dare not to take my own life..
i then wonder if i had or have a purpose at all in this life..
i worry the people around me worry about me and thats unfair.
i am alone in this world..
i have friends but they are never there to help you fight the demons which plague your head..
we can all laugh at them ..
but at the end of the day .. your left alone with all of them
it would be neat to become something great and leave a legacy in life.. and yet i look for that ..
i start wondering how fucked up i have to be to become a "great one"
einstein .. hitler .. martin luther king.. all those guys were brilliant at something..
unfortunately they were all mentally disturbed...
so much pain inside..
they took it upon themselves to get a point across to the world..
i dont necessarily want to be them.. rather . i would like to have the same impact as them

i have just quit my meaningless job at blockbuster..
i dont need that shit..
those kind of jobs are for people who need moey fast, quick, and are willing to serve other people and have all the time in the world to do so..
and besides that .. its been months of frustration and i think i deserve .. and just like anyone else chasing an invisible dream ....
my advice to them is to at least get into that field..
i hope and pray for a better tommorrow..
not just for me and my family ..
but the whole world..

i guess this comes from the heart when you havent done jack shit over the past few months.. and seem to get stuck in the same whole you were in a long time ago.